Laundry and drycleaner agents, Services, nec, nec, Business services, nec, nec
Mount Hood Cleaners
Mt. Hood Cleaners is a family-owned and operated business that has been operational since 1943. The company operates several subsidiaries, such as Mt. Hood Cleaners and Fabric Restoration, Mt. Hood Commercial Window Coverings, Mt. Hood Custom Drapes, Mt. Hood Counter and Wholesale, Mt. Hood Linens and Mt. Hood Door-to-Door Cleaning. It is a member of the International Fabricare Institute and the Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network. Mt. Hood Cleaners specializes in dry cleaning and garment care services. The company offers cleaning services for a variety of comforters, blankets, pillows, bedspreads and other bedding materials. It additionally provides customer care and home delivery services.