Treatment at Portland Backsmith focuses on the bodies own ability to heal and reducing stress (physical, emotional and chemical) load on the body. It can be easily understood that a joint problem can cause pain, as well it can put stress on gentle nerves throughout the body. When the nerves are pinched, stretched, compressed or irritated it affects how the brain and nervous system send signals and communicate with the body. This can change how muscles contract, cause numbness, tingling and weakness and can mess with hormones, blood pressure, etc... In some cases, medicine tends to treat symptoms rather than what the underlying cause may be and that is what sets Chiropractic apart. Chiropractic focuses on restoring or improving the body's natural innate ability to heal itself. Think of a Chiropractor as a gardener for an Acorn that has the potential to turn into a mighty oak.
At Portland Backsmith we do not take a one size fits all approach to Chiropractic care. Every visit and adjustment will be tailored to your body's specific needs. For our patients, education and understanding is the key to successful and effective chiropractic care. A proper adjustment has the ability to restore joint motion and remove interferences on the nerves caused by tight muscles, ligaments, scar tissue and other stressors. The nervous system controls every process in our bodies including muscle control, hormone regulation, immunity, digestion and mood. Regular Massage Therapy treatments are an excellent way to decrease the stressors of a busy life. At Portland Backsmith we offer Massage Therapy in a relaxed and professional clinical setting. Our goal is to provide excellent and effective care, in order to reduce and eliminate the effects of stressful, busy and active lifestyles. Our massage therapists provide customized treatments for every individual and treat a variety of conditions. We offer both medical and wellness relaxation massage.