Mia Moves Me is a full-out/light-hearted 60-minute workout. We will clear your mind and free your bod! Not only can you expect to burn upwards of 700 calories a class, but -sorry to tell ya- you'll probably have fun while you're doin' it. I call it Dance Therapy because A) feeling your feelings while you dance is encouraged - not in a super sappy way, more like a 'let it all go' sorta way. B) The endorphin release you get when you combine ecstatic movement and high quality cardio set to colorful music is truly unmatched. C) sweating profusely is like your whole body having a good cry! During the hour you'll get a versatile blend of cardio + toning. We move to an array of dance species (pop, jazz funk, hip-hop, latin, to name a few) set to an eclectic mix of great music. There will be much sweat and laughter. Just turn your brain off, turn your body on and follow along as we dance to roughly 15 cool songs. Open to all people and all dance levels. Mia Moves Me is truly a zero pressure, you do you, environment! You can modulate the intensity according to your needs and fitness level. Fun moves in a follow-along format. It's a perfect go-between of a gym style Zumba class and a Millennium workshop. $15 walk-in rate (but peep the check in offer for $5 off your first class) We dance every Saturday at 1pm! Capacity is limited so please email miamovesme@gmail.com to reserve your spot. See ya sooooon!