Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts
Ashland Health Center
All About the Community Health Center Community Health Center was initially founded in 1972 as the result of an extensive, grassroots, community-based effort, and exists today as an Oregon non-profit corporation, which enjoys IRS tax-exempt status. The singular charitable mission of Community Health Center has remained relatively unchanged for over a quarter-century and that is to promote the health of low-income, working uninsured, and other vulnerable adults and children in Jackson County, Oregon. The agency fulfills its mission by offering core services which consist of primary, preventative, and perinatal health care, and by offering such complimentary services as: prescription medication assistance; diagnostic medical laboratory services; and specialty services through 200 volunteer community physicians who participate in the VOLPACT program. Community Health Center serves two distinct patient populations: those who live at or below 100% of the federal poverty index and who are enrolled in the publicly-funded Oregon Health Plan; and those who live between 101% and 200 % of the federal poverty index and who do not enjoy the benefits of employer-sponsored health care insurance. The services of Community Health Center are made available pursuant to a generous sliding-fee-schedule, which is adjusted for household income and number of dependents. Patients are permitted to make small monthly payments commensurate with their financial abilities. The agency emphasizes a patient participation model, and offers a hand up but not a hand out. No one is turned away because of their inability to pay. Services are offered through clinics located in Ashland (541-482-9741), Medford (541-773-3863), and White City (541-826-5853). In 2007, the clinic saw near 9, 000 patients in over 30, 000 unduplicated visits. The Federal Poverty Level for a family of three in 2007 was $1, 431 per month. 96% of the patients seen (8, 559) had a household income of less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Community Health Center is governed by a diverse, yet representative, board of directors who are drawn from the fields of medicine, legal practice, accountancy, small business ownership, community leaders, consumers and consumer advocates. Community Health Center is uniquely situated to leverage a wide variety of community resources. On an annual basis, Rogue Valley Medical Center provides donated medical laboratory services; Providence Medford Medical Center donates radiological services; Ashland Community Hospital contributes to the direct support of Community Health Center's Ashland practice; and Medford Radiological Group, P.C., provides the in-kind interpretation of radiological studies. Through the Jackson County Medical Society's VOLPACT (Volunteers for Patient Access to Care and Treatment) program, over 200 community physicians who practice in medical specialty areas agree to accept Community Health Center's referrals for specialty services on a rotating basis at no direct cost to the patient or agency. In addition, nine physician volunteers staff 10-12 of specialty clinics each month at the Agency's Medford clinic site. On an annual basis, Community Health Center receives financial support from the United Way of Jackson County, the Jackson County General Fund, the Cities of Medford and Ashland and various philanthropic foundations, local hospital and medical providers, community groups, civic organizations, faith communities and individual contributions. An average of 60% of the cost of annual operations is generated through patient's fees. For over 35 years, Community Health Center has stood as the community principal resource for those persons who are "locked out" of affordable access to the health care system. Because it is so clear that low-income families cannot afford the price of today's health services, it falls to those who care to assure that compassionate services are accessible, affordable, and available when they are the most needed