In the early 90's, Jason Roraback began his journey into the printing world. Starting in the press room, sweeping floors and supporting the production team...Jason's passion for the industry was born. In 2009, after over 15 years of working his way up through production, operations and sales...Jason had a vision to merge the traditional printing era with new modern technology and a creative edge. Thus KLeaR Marketing was started. From 2009 to today, KLeaR has grown from one to hundreds of clients that truly are our partners. We strive to make them stand out and we believe that our true success is by delivering exceptional service and quality to everyone we partner with.
KLEAR is a one-stop shop operation that delivers results. We serve many different markets and have the capability to produce a broad array of commercial print products. Utilizing the horsepower of our sheet-fed & digital presses and complementing with an extensive finishing and mailing facility, there is very little that does not fit within the scope of our capabilities. However, were much more than just a printing company; KLEAR is your one source for everything from creative services, digital printing, fulfillment and integrated business solutions, including custom client storefront solutions.