Global Biosurvey, located in Corvallis, OR, is a renowned research center dedicated to scientific discovery and understanding the intricate relationships between humans and the environment. With a focus on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as geospatial research, their team of faculty scientists, researchers, and students conduct a wide range of grant-funded projects, producing an average of 70 peer-reviewed publications annually. Additionally, they manage the University's biological field station, providing a valuable resource for research and teaching across various disciplines.
With a total acreage of 3,200 acres spread across three sites in the prairie-forest ecotone, Global Biosurvey's core research area offers diverse natural and managed habitats, along with centralized research facilities and support. Their mission is to foster a broad appreciation of the vital interactions between humans and the environment, making significant contributions to ecological research, teaching, and outreach. Through their dedication to scientific excellence, they continue to lead in the field of ecological research and contribute to the understanding and preservation of our natural world.
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