Catalyst Acupuncture is a true product of Portland. It is the home of Beth Griffing, who attended Reed College and then the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, studying with some of the brightest minds in the field. Then followed an extended trip to Thailand, where Beth pursued the study of Thai Traditional Massage and observed with Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital administrators. After learning about the integrative management of acupuncture in hospital and clinic settings, Beth returned to Portland in 2012 inspired and fired up to create an integrative practice. Beth collaborates with Rebecca Asmar, ND at Bambu Clinic and Amy Lennon, DC at Hawthorne Chiropractic. Catalyst Acupuncture is now a place where cooperative care and health care transparency are held to the highest standard.
Catalyst Acupuncture is deeply committed to health care access for all communities. Beth creates a judgment-free space for teens, adults, seniors, and all genders and abilities. She commonly treats: + Chronic and acute pain + Stress and adrenal fatigue + Digestive disorders + Endocrine system (hormonal balance, metabolism/weight loss) + Neurological conditions (brain or spine injury, progressive disease) Come to us for a totally unique combination of: Acupuncture Shiatsu (Japanese acupressure) Thai Traditional Massage Herbal Therapy Cupping, Moxibustion, Gua Sha Sotai (Japanese movement therapy) We will gladly create non-needling treatments if that is your preference. You can come here to be supported to enact who you want to be and what you want to do. Whether that means lifting your nephew without pain, training for a sporting event, or preventing the progression of a chronic disease, Beth will use all of her tools to help you reach your goals