All great things begin with only a single thought. On her honeymoon, with the planning of her huge Italian wedding still fresh in mind, Mary Lou and husband, John, relished in the thought of having a single resource to use when planning such an important event. Turning that into reality, Mary Lou and friend Marion Clifton crafted the first Bravo! Wedding Resource Guide in 1990 with an Apple IIe and a single-sheet bubble-jet printer. By 1994, the idea was taken a step further into publishing the first Event Resource Guide to hit the Oregon and Southwest Washington market.
For 20 years, Bravo! Publications and Tradeshows has been delivering valuable resources to brides, grooms and corporate event planners with our easy to use side-by-side resume-style format guides. Our resource guides, web sites and tradeshows are the ultimate tools for planning a wedding or event in Oregon and S.W Washington.