At the heart of BonVie-Ideal Protein Weight Loss is dedication and expertise in providing the best weight loss program for women and men in Santa Monica, West LA, and Portland Oregon. A great method, delicious foods and one-on-one coaching serve to educate and motivate you, while closely monitoring your progress and wellness. BonVie was founded by Sharon's own experience with the Ideal Protein methodology. As a physical therapist by profession, the science and physiology underlying this proven method got Sharon's attention. After study and certification in the Ideal Protein method, she decided to share the benefits and opened 'BonVie Weight Loss and Nutritional Wellness'.
What sets BonVie apart is the dedication and expertise of our professional weight loss coaches. Along with a great method and delicious food selections our one-on-one coaching helps you stay accountable with support and motivation. BonVie Weight was founded in 2010 after Sharon's experience with the Ideal Protein program. As a professional physical therapist, the science underlying this proven protocol attracted Sharon's attention. After certification in the Ideal Protein program, she decided to share the benefits and opened BonVie Weight Loss and Nutritional Wellness.