Backdrop Distilling, located in Bend, Oregon, is an award-winning craft distillery that specializes in creating premium spirits. Established in 2014, Backdrop Distilling is known for their internationally recognized Backdrop Vodka, which has received double gold, silver, and bronze medals. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Backdrop Distilling offers a range of spirits, including rum, gin, and vodka, all made in their state-of-the-art facility.
With a unique twist, Backdrop Distilling is the first distillery to be located inside a brewery in Oregon, partnering with Goodlife Brewing. Their mission is to unleash the spirits within individuals, encouraging them to create their own world and pursue their passions. Whether you're looking to enjoy their award-winning vodka or explore their other spirits, Backdrop Distilling invites you to raise a glass and celebrate the art of craft distilling.
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