Acupuncture Gateway, located in Portland, OR, is a trusted holistic medicine and acupuncture practice led by Dr. Cole Thompson Magbanua. With over 80,000 patients treated using the Body Mapping Acupuncture Technique, Dr. Cole brings extensive experience and expertise to his practice. Offering services for auto injuries and car accidents, Acupuncture Gateway aims to provide natural pain relief and promote overall well-being.
With a focus on helping patients heal and achieve a pain-free, happy, and healthy life, Acupuncture Gateway accepts insurance from most major companies and provides same-day appointments for acupuncture, massage, and other natural pain relief treatments. Dr. Cole's dedication to his patients' well-being is evident in the numerous testimonials praising the effectiveness of his treatments, particularly for conditions such as migraines and peripheral neuropathy. Whether you're seeking relief from an auto injury or looking to improve your overall health, Acupuncture Gateway is committed to providing exceptional care and enriching lives through holistic medicine.
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