Norman Professional Firefighters Local 2067 is a dedicated group of firefighters and paramedics representing the City of Norman Fire Department in Norman, Oklahoma. With a population of approximately 133,000, the department serves the city's 195 square miles of Cleveland County, providing essential fire, rescue, medical, HAZ-MAT, and technical rescue services. Committed to the safety and well-being of the community, the members of Local 2067 work tirelessly to protect and serve, ensuring the highest level of public protection.
Tragically, the department recently lost firefighter Levi Wilkins, who was known for his incredible dedication and zest for life. Despite battling rare adrenal cancer, Levi continued to push himself, rebuilding his body and accomplishing remarkable feats, including climbing some of the world's most famous peaks. His legacy lives on as an inspiration to his fellow firefighters and the community, reminding us all to live life to the fullest. In honor of Levi, the family requests donations to First Descents, an organization that provides life-changing outdoor adventures to cancer patients.
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