Dr. Galoob has been performing Cosmetic Surgery for more than 30 years. Cosmetic Surgery Center of Ardmore is a state of the art AAAHC facillity convenient to both Oklahoma City and the Dallas/ Ft.Worth Metroplex Areas. The facility is in network with HealthChoice select and standard insurance Plans and Mercy Care Management.
I attempt to assess the individual and special needs of each of my patients. My staff and I consider all aspects of our patient's experience to be a priority. This includes the pre-operative assessment, hotel reservations, lab work, the post operative visits and beyond, if needed. It is common for me or one of my staff. to make hotel room visits the evening of surgery to check on our patients. Surgery is performed either in Cosmetic Surgery Center of Ardmore or in the local Mercy Hospital, depending on the procedure and requirements of the patient. I am available to my patients by phone at any hour. Our goal is to treat our patients just as we would want to be treated and would want our families to be treated.