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Local Leads Miner
HistoryAs business owners, we know and understand how important new customers are...we also know, all too well, the marketing methods we used to rely on are no longer effective. Print advertising, Yellow Pages and Billboards simply don't draw customers through our doors. Our customers are finding us on the internet. Most of the time, they're searching for a solution to a problem or a specific product. More and more of the time, their searches are being done on their cellphone or handheld device, not from a desktop computer. So when Google announced in April of 2010, they were focusing all future products with mobile in mind, a light went off...Just think about it, there are 5 times more mobile devices with internet connectivity than there are households with computers. We're here to help you tap into that tremendous market. Use cost-effective tools that show you real-time how effective this type of marketing really is. You no longer have to guess.This stuff works!...Call us: 580-276-4422SpecialtiesGo to for cutting edge SEO-Business Marketing Tips & Techniques. You'll find tips on all the following topics: Local Maps Optimization, Local Online Advertising, Google Mobile Ads, Mobile Phone Marketing, Local Online Directory Listings, Internet Marketing Service, SEO, Local Leads Generation, Local Search Marketing, Website Marketing, Online Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Learn how to tap into mobile advertising and local search.You'll be amazed at how easy (and affordable) it is to pull in paying customers and increase your profits. Savvy mainstreet business owners are applying the techniques we use to dominate their markets. Discover for yourself how to get listed on Google's first page, multiple times! You too, can tap into local searches taking place every day. Your local business will thrive. Call us at 580-276-4422 and we'll conduct a free search audit. ($250 value)...Offer expires December 31, 2010.