House of Cigar, located in Powell and Columbus, Ohio, proudly holds the title of the largest cigar shop in the state, offering an extensive selection of renowned brand names such as Montecristo, Davidoff, Liga Privada, and many more. With top-of-the-line cigar cutters and lighters from Xikar and Zippo, House of Cigar is the ultimate destination for all cigar enthusiasts, providing a wide range of brand name accessories in one convenient location.
As a well-established establishment that has been serving customers for several years, House of Cigar is the go-to destination for all cigar needs in Ohio. With an impressive collection of cigars and a vast selection of brand name accessories, including Montecristo, Cigar Saver, Zino, and Xikar, this one-stop shop ensures that every cigar connoisseur's desires are met. Join their events to connect with fellow enthusiasts and experience the world of cigars in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.
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