Humouring the Fates is a renowned animation studio based in Tampa, New York, and Tokyo. With over 25 years of experience, they specialize in hand-drawn animation and are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of 2D, 2.5D, and 3D animation. Their talented crew of directors, animators, and writers work closely with clients to create character-driven material for various communication needs, including feature films, TV series, commercials, and web-based clips. Humouring the Fates is known for their unique animation techniques and bold creative visions, making them a trusted choice for brands seeking captivating and visually stunning animations. Having collaborated with major clients such as NBC Universal, YouTube, Microsoft's Game Studio, and Gearbox, Humouring the Fates has established itself as a leading animation studio in the industry. Their impressive portfolio includes projects like the NBC Winter Olympic Bumpers, YouTube's first animated series, the Halo Anime, and the Battleborn Animated Prologue. With their expertise in storytelling and animation, Humouring the Fates continues to deliver exceptional and engaging content that captivates audiences worldwide.
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