The operators have over 40 years of combined experience in various fields that make our farm market a special resource on how to use or care for what you buy, be it produce or plants.
We sell heirloom, traditional and specialty vegetables & plants year round from two outlets: the Union County Farmers Market in Monroe during its season which began Saturday April 2, 2022. Our roadside dates are TBA or by appointment. Cash or Credit June 18th we bid goodbye to Spring crops and say hello to Summer crops like cucumbers and blueberries. We are located in the quiet town of Marshville. We grow 100% on site and harvest direct to you - cleaned and in minimal clean packaging for immediate use and storage in amounts that are right for your needs. We pledge: no food is wasted. Appropriate clothing, shoes & head covering are recommended for weather conditions at either venue. Shoes must be worn at all times. Visit at your own risk. We do not sell wholesale. No Refunds.