HistoryCreate-ster was started by two girls who have always had a passion for art and making a difference in the community. With that frame of mind, the two set off to start their own creative design business--advocating that creative design services do not need to cost an arm and a leg, that start-up businesses and non-profits can find affordable rates, and work with genuine people who truly understand what it means to follow a dream. Along with them, they have pulled an excellent, long standing team of professional Creatives who share their same vision in supporting the community. Times are tough, budgets are small, but your brand doesn't have to look that way. Consider Create-ster, because after-all, coming together can overcome many difficult obstacles.Specialtiesweb design, print and web graphic design, portrait photography, commercial photography, logo design, custom Facebook Fan pages, custom Twitter fan pages, videography, video editing, social media marketing, blog content writing, email marketing campaigns, promotional products and gifts