For over 75 years Fords Gourmet Foods parent company Fords Produce Co., Inc has been serving the needs of each and every customer who calls, walks in our writes us. We made our online debut with Fords Gourmet Foods in 1997 and have been taking care of our online customers needs ever since. Customer service is the most important aspect of our business, and we want to be there whenever and wherever you need us. If at any time you need advice, clarification or any additional information about a product we sell or experience any problem whatsoever with our company, we want to hear from you. Thanks for shopping with us!
We make the freshest fruit baskets available. Being part of a 4th Generation Produce Company allows us and you to have access to the best Fruit Baskets to send us gifts! We also our the master distributor for World Famous Bone Suckin' Sauce, Fire Dancer Nuts and Wine Nuts. We even have Beef Jerky for your furry friends on your gift list!