Many years ago Rick began studying healing services, leading from business to spirituality, social work, psycho-therapy, then massage and body-work. Rick is dedicated to helping people improve their lives. Fast Relief Therapeutic massage was established in January 2007. We began at 1289 N. Fordham Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC, and now have a location at 123 Old Heritage Ct., Hillsborough, NC. Appointments are made Monday Through Saturday.
Get immediate relief from pain, in a safe, comfortable, and confidential setting with a therapeutic massage that works out your chronic soreness and tightness. If you desire deep tissue massage, swedish massage, manual lymphatic drainage or just relaxation massage, Fast Relief Therapeutic Massage of Chapel Hill and Hillsborough can help! Relax and stop neck shoulder and back pain. Hot Stone, deep or medium pressure, pain relief. My mission is to bring relief from stress and pain where ever it exists. Rick has been a psychotherapist. Whether your need is physical, emotional nurturing or spiritual guidance, my goal is to help improve your life. Rick is also an MSW. Massage Techniques * Deep Tissue * Swedish * Manual Lymph Drainage * Trigger Point * Hot Stones * Sports Massage * Chair Massage Special Issues * Headaches * Depression * Carpel tunnel * Thoracic outlet * Multiple Sclerosis * Fybro-myalgia