Established in 2004. Yelp was launched in 2004, and Yelp events started shortly thereafter. The idea was to morph Yelp from a website with random comments, to an online and offline network of people and friends. Yelp events began only a couple of short years ago in Asheville.
Specialties This is for a Yelp event on July 20, 2016 at Hi Wire Big Top in Asheville NC! Yelp events are a really great way to connect Asheville's most active Yelpers with great locally owned businesses... and with each other! History Established in 2004. Yelp was launched in 2004, and Yelp events started shortly thereafter. The idea was to morph Yelp from a website with random comments, to an online and offline network of people and friends. Meet the Community Ambassador Sarah Jane G.