Bozzetto is a renowned animation studio founded by Bruno Bozzetto, an esteemed cartoonist with a 60-year career. Known for his minimalist style and educational approach, Bozzetto has created over 300 films, earning him numerous awards and accolades. The studio produces feature films, classic shorts, web shorts, and TV series, with a focus on universal themes and scratching irony. Bozzetto's works are available for distribution in various formats, including Blu-ray, DVD, and digital platforms.
Bozzetto has collaborated with international partners, such as Minerva Pictures in Italy and North America, Koch Media Company in Germany, and Les Films Du Paradoxe in France, to bring his iconic films to a global audience. The studio also extends its creativity beyond animation, with collaborations with fashion brand MARNI and art exhibitions showcasing Bozzetto's original artwork. With a commitment to innovation and artistic expression, Bozzetto continues to create new subjects and participate in film festivals and events worldwide.
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