The museum is owned and operated by the Murfreesboro Historical Association and has an extensive collection of antique farm machinery. The agricultural section has two early peanut pickers, one built by the Ferguson Agriculture Implement Company in Murfreesboro. The museum also has an early carriage similar to the one that brought General Lafayette to Murfreesboro during his visit on Feb. 26, 1825. The most popular exhibit in the museum is the recreation of the Gatling Aeroplane, an invention of Henry Gatling. In 1873 Gatling finished his prototype, claimed to have completed multiple test flights over the period of several months, however the Gatling Aeroplane was only witnessed in flight once. During that trial, it is said that he launched the plane from a raised platform off his cotton gin, approximately 12 feet high, and flew for about 100 feet before rapidly descending into the ground.