Zen Digital was originally formed as a web development company in New York's Silicon Alley in the 1990's when dial-up was still a reality and the web was in its infancy. It was updated in 2013 with a renewed purpose bringing to bear our extensive experience. Balancing technology & creativity with a proven methodology, we continue to study and stay informed on the latest techniques, while continuing to rely on those we trust. Our technological know how is coupled with an aesthetic eye and an understanding of how to deliver a successful User Experience.
zen.digital specializes in training engineers at Fortune 500 companies in the latest technologies, frameworks and practices. Our training is both online and onsite and frequently outside of the NY area. Our management team has over 20 years of experience with web and internet technologies, and our computer scientists are experts in the latest web technologies and languages with an emphasis on Lean, Agile, test-driven development. We share our experience and expertise by supporting the Open Source community and sponsoring the AngularNYC Meetup, which takes place at Google's New York City headquarters, and BuzzJS, Manhattan's premiere JavaScript conference series which takes place at Microsoft's offices in Time Square.