Zeitgeist Films is a renowned New York-based film distribution company that specializes in thought-provoking and socially relevant documentaries. Their award-winning film, Trouble the Water, offers a unique and intimate perspective on the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina through the eyes of real people, highlighting the underlying inequalities that persist long after the storm. With its gripping storytelling and powerful imagery, the film serves as a stirring tool for activists, students, and change-makers, shedding light on issues such as poverty, racism, and government accountability.
Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and nominated for an Academy Award, Trouble the Water takes audiences on an emotional journey, exposing the failures of public institutions and the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity. Through the use of home footage captured by Kimberly Rivers Roberts, the film offers an insider's view of the hurricane and its aftermath, leaving viewers both inspired and outraged. With public performance rights included, this documentary is an excellent teaching and advocacy tool for various educational institutions, community organizations, and advocacy groups.
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