The United Methodist Church (YUMC) has its historic origins as far back as the late 1800's. More recent church history began on April 23, 1968, when two religious bodies, The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church, became one denomination.
The current church and later additions resulted from that marriage.
The United Methodist denomination shares a common history and heritage with other Methodist and Wesleyan bodies, including the ministries of John and Charles Wesley.
Today, Yorktown Methodist Church (YUMC) children's programs include scouting, summer camps, and other special summer activities to help children grow in the Christian Faith.
The Junior United Methodist Youth Fellowship for 6th-9th graders meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays during the school year. A typical program includes a discussion and group fellowship. There are also special programs and outings planned during the year.
There are many opportunities for fellowship and growth through small groups at YUMC. Women's Fellowship Circle, Adult Fellowship and Adult Bible Fellowships are all designed to help members experience a sense of belonging and personal growth.
Reaching out to the community and the world is a vital part of YUMC's ministry and mission. Through denominational giving and volunteer involvement in community missions, the church strives to be a people "in Ministry Together."
Since 2007 the Rev. Roy B. Grubbs has resided over YUMC as Pastor. In the words of Pastor Grubbs, the Methodist heritage is one that stresses "warm-hearted religion, fellowship and caring, good music, intellectual pursuits of spiritual questions, and mission involvement throughout the community."