William Lamson Studio is a Brooklyn-based art studio that showcases the work of acclaimed artist William Lamson. Known for his innovative and thought-provoking installations, Lamson's work explores the intersection of nature, time, and human experience. From his two-person show with Luba Drozd at Knockdown Center in Queens to his participation in the Design by Time group show at Pratt Manhattan Gallery, Lamson's exhibitions captivate audiences with their unique blend of creativity and conceptual depth.
In addition to his exhibitions, Lamson's work has also been featured at The Center For Land Use Interpretation in Wendover, Utah, where he presented his Mineralogy project. With its precise coordinates of 40°43'42.6"N 114°02'10.3"W, this installation offers a captivating exploration of the relationship between art and the natural world. With a vision that extends into the future, Lamson continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, leaving a lasting impact on the contemporary art scene.
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