WEBGIO, Inc is a privately held company that specializes in custom web site design, web development and business consulting for small businesses. In 1999, snowboarding and golf took a backseat to Bob's newest passion of web site design and web development. While working full-time in IT and Project Management in the Medical and Energy industries, Bob's evenings consisted of hanging out at Borders (RIP) studying code, drinking Jamba Juice, and collaborating on projects via the internet with developers having similar interests. He learned early on that the internet was a tool that could help normal people make big things happen. Soon this became more than a hobby and Bob founded WEBGIO, with the goal of specializing in web design, web development, project management and business consulting. Through word of mouth, WEBGIO built its customer base and in 2011, became a successful full-time endeavor for Bob.
Web Design, Web Development, and Business Consulting