Airbnb is awesome, but once you check out where do you store the bags? In general short term storage in cities is a problem. Whether you are a tourist, going to a concert or a sporting event, dragging around your gym bag or professional equipment, cities don't really have good options for storing suitcases, bags and other things we carry around. Sid and Neha, the co-founders of Vertoe, launched the company after experiencing the problem themselves. Vertoe wants to change that with a simple, on-demand storage platform. When you need to store your stuff, head over to Vertoe.com, search for locations nearby to book and access space within minutes. Today Vertoe offers inexpensive and flexible storage solutions in local shops around New York City for as low as $5.95/day/item.
New York Souvenirs is a premier gift shop with lots of storage space near New York Port Authority Bus Terminal. Great spot for tourists or just about anyone who wants to store their luggage, bags or any other items if they are taking a bus from Port Authority or just exploring attractions nearby like Time Square, Madam Tussauds, Ripley's Museum and other parts of Midtown Manhattan.