Brain Body Medical, led by Dr. Valsa Madhava, is a renowned addiction medicine and functional medicine practice based in New York City. Dr. Madhava, a board-certified internist and addiction medicine specialist, offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to addiction treatment and recovery. Utilizing a brain-focused perspective, the practice aims to identify and address the underlying imbalances in brain chemistry and function that contribute to addiction. Through detailed clinical assessments and targeted lab testing, Dr. Madhava creates customized treatment plans that address nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, gut health, and other foundational factors. With a commitment to confidentiality and evidence-based approaches, Brain Body Medical strives to help patients achieve lasting recovery and optimal health.
With over two decades of experience in the field of addictions and dependencies, Dr. Madhava has dedicated herself to understanding the physiology of the brain and body as the foundation for effective treatment. She combines her medical expertise with functional medicine principles and a holistic approach to address the root causes and promoters of addiction. Dr. Madhava's passion for helping patients achieve lasting recovery is evident in the testimonials of those who have benefited from her compassionate and dedicated care. Through her expertise and commitment to treating underlying imbalances, Dr. Madhava and the team at Brain Body Medical provide a unique and effective approach to addiction medicine.
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