Sunday Worship: 9am and 10:30am, September through June; 9:30am, July through August.
Child Care: Our crib room (ages 0-1) and nursery (ages 1-3) are both staffed by attendants and available for the later Sunday worship service, year round.
Coffee Hour: This is a special time to meet and greet fellow worshippers after the last service in the Church parlor and occasionally in our Fellowship Hall (second floor).
Church/Sunday School: 10:15am, September through June; 9:30am, July and August. For children ages 3 through eighth grade.
Holy Communion: First Sunday of the month.
Special Services:
Christmas Eve: 5pm Family Service, 11:00pm Candlelight Service.
Ash Wednesday
Lenten Series: Wednesdays noon, followed by a soup and sandwich luncheon.
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Thanksgiving Eve: Ecumenical service with other Huntington churches.