Public elementary and secondary schools, Schools and educational services, nec, nec, Catholic elementary and secondary schools
Franklin K Lane High School
Franklin K Land High School has been operational for more than 35 years. Located in Brooklyn, N.Y., the school enrolls more than 1,000 students annually. Its curriculum includes English, math, science, history, geography, economics and physical education. In addition to its core subjects, Franklin K Land High offers student course work in various areas, such as arts and crafts, computer applications, foreign languages, vocal and instrumental music, and health and technology education. The school s students participate in various sports, including baseball, basketball, cheerleading, field hockey, football, soccer, softball, tennis and track. Activities and clubs are also offered to students to enable them to learn social skills, and interact with small groups in a nonacademic setting. It also offers a guidance program that includes group and individual counseling. The counselor works with students in areas of personal, educational, social and career development.