Merrimack Films, based in Belmont, MA, is a renowned producer and distributor of videos on labor relations, with a rich history spanning over 40 years in the film industry. Their extensive collection of films explores various aspects of labor history, union democracy, and the challenges and successes of labor-management cooperation.
From their first film, "Loose Bolts," which remains a classic study of blue-collar struggles, to their more recent releases like "Struggling Unions" and "Rustbelt Phoenix," Merrimack Films continues to shed light on the ongoing fight for clean and democratic unions. Additionally, their films on management-union partnerships, such as "Working Together Saturn and the UAW" and "Partners Bethlehem Steel and the United Steelworkers," provide valuable insights into the complexities of labor relations. With their commitment to documenting labor history and promoting understanding, Merrimack Films remains a trusted source for educational and informative videos on labor relations.
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