The LSAT Genius provides the best tutoring for the LSAT anywhere. Unlike other LSAT tutors who have no background in education, Brad is a true teacher who knows how to suss out your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. That is why he is able to help so many students realize incredible score increases. His genius is evident in the innovative methods that he invented that allow his students to maximize performance. Since the test strategies were created by The LSAT Genius, you will find them nowhere else. The following is what sets The LSAT Genius apart (more details on website): 1) Consistently high score increases (20-30 points are very feasible). 2) Copyrighted test strategies invented by me. 3) A true reading comprehension method. 4) Real background in education. 5) I care about your progress. 6) No classes. 7) Personalized professional service. 8) I make the LSAT fun.
New York's best LSAT tutor, Bar None.