The first Stars were given to veterans on an Honor Flight to Washington DC, and to the Patriotic motorcycle riders that had escorted them to the airport on Sept. 26, 2010. The riders were so impressed with the meaning of the Stars, they offered retired flags, a Girl Scout Troop looking for a community service project and contacts of people willing to help create the Stars. Since that day, requests for Stars to be sent to our Military, given to our Veterans and those wishing to participate across the country and around the world are received.
Stars for our Troops uses the embroidered Stars from retired 3' x 5' flags and turns them into Thank You's to our military, veterans and first responders. The Stars are included with a note that reads: You are not forgotten. Additional information to order Stars, volunteer, etc. are available at www.StarsForOurTroops.org or Email: Stars4ourTroops@aol.com