Soliemoves responded to the growing need for people on Craigslist and Backpage to get the things sellers sold shipped, and the things people bought delivered. In 2002, when the New York Craigslist website started creating a buzz. Soliemoves answered. Solie purchased a 1987 Ford van from a guy in Boston through Craigslist. It wasn't the best van but it got the job done. Most of the early customers of Soliemoves found it amazing that this guy would show up and deliver furniture. Soliemoves added a whole new meaning to commerce. With community websites and Soliemoves, people were able to turn their homes and apartments into store fronts. Today, Soliemoves is a thriving delivery company based in New York City. We offer moving and delivery services for businesses and consumers who buy and sell items typically too large for conventional mail services. We also provide traditional moving services from rooms to two bedroom apartments. Oh yeah. . .Thank you for taking the time to read.
Soliemoves is your professional moving and delivery company. We provide a suite of consumer centric services to assist your relocation needs. Whether you are moving to your new space or just ordering furniture, we have services tailor made for your requirements. What else can you do with Soliemoves? Although we're labeled a moving and delivery service you can get a lot done with us. Like: Shipping and Receiving! That's right, you can use us to ship and receive items. We do this in reverse too. As a consumer you can use us to ship items purchased from vendors operating in the New York Tri-State area. Send Soliemoves Shopping: Soliemoves will shop for you at IKEA, Target, local furniture stores and even pay for your items from Craigslist, sellers. Soliemoves offers Ikea Delivery Service in New York and New Jersey. We also offer white glove retail furniture delivery services for stores located in New York and New Jersey. We warehouse or pick up from warehouses and deliver furniture.