Shin-Budo Kai, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization based in New York City, dedicated to spreading the principles of Aikido and Ki. Led by Shizuo Imaizumi Sensei, a 7th Dan Aikido instructor with a rich background in the art, the dojo offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes Aikido training, weapons study, and Ki training. With a focus on maintaining the teachings of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei, while also incorporating his own perspectives, Imaizumi Sensei has influenced countless lives through his unique approach to budo.
Supported by a team of dedicated instructors, including Warren Wynshaw, a 7th Dan practitioner who emphasizes the importance of Beginner's Mind, and Andrew Bordwin, a 5th Dan Aikido practitioner with a strong interest in weapons training, Shin-Budo Kai provides a welcoming environment for individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether you are looking to learn self-defense, explore the rich history of Japanese weapons, or improve your overall well-being through Ki training, Shin-Budo Kai offers a range of programs that cater to diverse interests and goals.
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