The Special Operations Bureau of the Rochester Police Department, under the command of Deputy Chief Keith Stith, consists of the Investigations Division, Tactical Division, and the Community Affairs Division. The Tactical Unit, led by Captain Raymond W. Dearcop, is responsible for covert surveillance, specialized crime details, and providing an Honor Guard presence for official events.
The Traffic Enforcement Unit, a specially trained group of officers, focuses on reducing traffic-related accidents and enforcing traffic laws. The Mounted Patrol Unit provides high visibility patrol services on horseback for special events and crowd control. The K-9 Unit offers canine services for searches and assists with dignitary protection, while the Central Investigation Section conducts investigations and provides support for the effective operation of the RPD. The Special Investigation Section is responsible for suppressing organized crime and illegal activities. The Community Affairs Division coordinates communications, public information, and community engagement initiatives, fostering a stronger bond between the police department and the community.
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