Founded in 2009, Rayner CPA is built upon the ideal that everyone should have access to a real CPA who is fully versed in NY, NJ and countrywide taxes at an affordable rate. New Yorkers are a melting pot of diverse people that come from all over the United States and abroad- so we believe your accountant should be equally as versed and exposed to as many state and international laws as possible. In today's time, with social media and cloud-sharing capability, people now have a choice all over the country and the world, to receive quality service from a CPA.
Rayner CPA can prepare your personal and business tax returns. We specifically specialize in out of the box situations related to independent contractors, small business owners, service professionals, media & entertainment and the growing number of Internet and App start ups and employees who deal with stock scenarios. We also cater to the independent driver and help with their 1099-Misc filing.