RAMSCALE Studio, located in the West Village of New York City, has awe-inspiring views of North and South Manhattan including the Hudson River, New York Harbor, and iconic skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building and the One World Trade Center. RAMSCALE Studio was founded by the Bruce's, Murray - an Aries, and Gail - a Libra, in the early 70s. The building itself is rich with history and was originally built for Bell Laboratories. Both Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison worked out of the famed 463 West Street building creating one of the most important research centers in the world. It was here that the first talking movie was heard, the condenser microphone, the first TV broadcast and the first binary computer were demonstrated. The technical library of the former Bell Labs has been the home of RAMSCALE for over 35 years.
The airy light-filled Ramscale penthouse in the West Village offers breathtaking views of lower Manhattan and the Hudson River - an unforgettable, private environment for weddings, parties, product launches, meetings, corporate retreats, film and photo shoots, and other events. The 3500 square foot South Studio features a beautiful terrace of 1000 square feet and amenities including a conference room and two raised stages. Together, the spaces combine to provide one of the most dramatic locations in New York City.