Dr. Qing Zhang is an Internal Medicine/Primary Care Physician in Flushing, New York. Her office provides service of Adult Sick Visit, Annual Physical Exam, pre-school/pre-employment/HHA exam, TB test, multiple vaccines (Flu shot, Tdap, Shingrix, MMR/Pneumococcal/Hepatitis/HPV vaccination), EKG, pulmonary function test, H. Pylori test, Pap smear/pelvic exam, all kinds of urine and blood work, cancer screening etc. Dr Zhang's office is located in the center of Flushing, next to the 7 train last stop (Main street) and nearby parking lot on 39th Ave. Open from Mon-Sat with little to no waiting time. Dr. Zhang Accepts Most Insurances and offers Discounts for Self Pay Patients. Please Call our office to schedule your appointment!