Local Taxes and insurance cost property owners thousands of dollars forcing them to continue to raise rent on their commercial and retail spaces. It is becoming more difficult to find qualified tenants. The cost to advertise these spaces, especially the smaller ones, is also rising out of control. I have started a new Online Classified site designed solely for these ads. This will be extremely affordable but for now ALL ads are FREE!! Coast to Coast. Big City to Small Town The more ads get posted, the faster we will grow and the wider exposure your ads will receive. Take a minute to post at OurSpaceNow.com
Our Space Now is place to find your future business space. Unlike the giants in commercial space ads, OurSpaceNow.com caters to the small owners, agents and managers who make up a major part of the Retail/Office space rentals. Our low cost ads will allow for more options to post ads and thus lower start up costs for tenants. Join today and find the future home for your business