Charitable organization, Social service center
Rauch Foundation
The MIRACLE Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of those diagnosed with cancer and to finding a cure for the disease. Integral to the foundation's mission is improving patient care, increasing cancer awareness and funding worthy scientific research. Foundation efforts focus on raising funds to support the work of individuals and organizations who can help achieve these goals. Garden City resident Michael J. Tenaglia, MIRACLE Foundation founder, was diagnosed with a rare and deadly form of esophageal cancer in 1998. He was given a 1 to 5% chance to live. He made his battle, a battle on behalf of others fighting the disease. In 1999, Michael Tenaglia, along with his wife, Patti, laid the groundwork for The MIRACLE (Making In Roads Against Cancers Lasting Effects) Foundation. He died in 2002 at the age of 49 but his legacy lives on through the foundation he helped make a reality.