Eating places, Tennis services and professionals, Amusement and recreation, nec, nec
Westchester Skating Academy
Westerchester Skating Academy is a hockey and figure-skating clinic, offering camps and workshops to skilled athletes and novices alike. The Academy's hockey department offers courses for all age ranges and skill levels. It hosts a youth and adult men's league. The Academy's skating department offers speciality workshops and private lessons. Its course schedule and fees are listed on its website. Facilities at the Westchester Skating Academy are also open to the public. Adult admission is $10.25 with a $4 skate rental. Admission for children under 10, children under 3 and seniors is discounted. Members receive a $1 discount. Saturday-night admission is reduced across the board. Note public session times are subject to change. The Academy's facilities are available for various event rentals. Those interested are advised to call for more information.