E.W. Natural Healing Acupuncture P.C. is a trusted provider of Chinese therapy and acupuncture in Commack, NY and the surrounding areas. Led by Dr. Henry Lee, a highly skilled acupuncturist and herbalist, the clinic offers a range of services including acupuncture, Chinese nutrition therapy, Chinese chi-qung, Chinese herbal medicine, and essential oil therapy. With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Lee has successfully treated various conditions, improved circulation, balanced nervous systems, regulated the endocrine system, fortified the immune system, reduced pain and stress, and increased energy levels. The clinic also specializes in treating side effects from Covid-19 and accepts insurance.
Patients seeking relief from back pain, joint pain, and other ailments can benefit from the clinic's acupuncture therapy. Additionally, those looking for natural remedies can explore Chinese therapy options using enzymes and supplements. With a commitment to patient satisfaction, E.W. Natural Healing Acupuncture P.C. is dedicated to providing effective and holistic treatments to improve overall well-being.
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