Keren Klaus is a NYS Licensed Acupuncturist with a Master's Degree in Chinese Medicine from the NY College of Health Professions. She has over 15 years experience working alongside Physical therapists, medical doctors, chiropractors and other medical professionals. Keren is currently practicing in Kew Gardens Hills and is accepting private patients by appointment (women only).
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical system that treats the body and mind as a whole. The goal of any acupuncture treatment is to regulate the body's function, reduce pain, support and strengthen the organs and bring the body back to its naturally balanced state. Many conditions can be treated with acupuncture and have been proven to be very safe and effective, some of these include: Anxiety/Stress/Depression Musculoskeletal Pain GI Disorders Gynecological Disorders OB/GYN Support (breach babies, induction of labor, morning sickness) And many other conditions... Acupuncture sessions typically last 45 minutes to an hour and depending on the patient's complaints, may be accompanied by cupping therapy, electrical stimulation, Asian massage/bodywork, and heat therapy. On average, most conditions will begin to show some change or improvement after 1 - 3 sessions administered within a short period of time. WOMEN ONLY