As a very young man, Sergey Kalitenko decided to study medicine after the death of his beloved grandmother. He felt helpless to save her, and became determined to help others. He worked his way through the grueling challenges of medical school, and has been practicing medicine for several decades. A practitioner of Holistic, Functional and Anti - Aging medicine, Dr. Sergey Kalitenko has been helping patients throughout a distinguished career -- first as an emergency care physician and then as a head of Hyperbaric Department at highly respected Ukrainian hospitals and later as a physician treating inpatients and outpatients in the U.S. teaching hospital. Over the years of working in traditional medicine and talking to thousands of patients, Dr. Kalitenko began to feel that traditional medicine had become more like car repair than human care, as doctors rushed to treat symptoms rather than find their causes--it's like patching a tire without finding the nail that made the hole.
Unlike traditional primary care physicians, doctor Kalitenko focuses on finding and eradicating the root cause of your problem, instead of just treating your symptoms. To do that he asks your body what is wrong and what needs to be done by using biofeedback, because your body knows how to heal itself. To achieve the best results possible he is going to balance not only your Hormones, but also your Neurotransmitters, Microelements and Vitamins, using the best part of conventional medicine, like history and physical exam, labs and imaging studies, as well as holistic and functional medicine approaches.