After I received my Acupuncture license, I began treating in the FiDi Rehab facility I managed throughout school. After a few years of treating musculoskeletal complaints, I decided to open up a private practice in the same area, so I may expand the types of conditions I was treating. In 2016 I moved to the Lower Hudson Valley and opened another practice in Fishkill, NY. I continue to treat in FiDi 3 days a week.
I am a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist and a Nationally Certified Herbalist. I combine Chinese and Functional Medicine to assess my patient's history and current health status, and devise a personalized care plan that is actionable and shows results. In addition to providing patients with a detailed assessment and a personalized treatment plan, I also physically treat their body with any of the following tools: Acupuncture Electrical stimulation Acupressure Active Release Techniques (ART) Cupping Guasha Moxibustion I also provide my patients with a home exercise program combining stretches and exercises I learned working with Chiropractors and Physical Therapists, and mindfulness and movement tools I've developed over 20 years of practicing internal and external martial arts. I love helping others improve their health! As a clinician who works one-on-one with patients, I know that I have a limited reach, which is why I am developing two online programs that people may follow unassisted. The first provides them with the education and assessments they need to personalize their health program. The second is a dynamic task-by-task program for people who are first getting started in improving their health. I am also working on a child development program designed to get kids moving using internal martial arts and mindfulness tools, and teaches them how to take care of the bodies and mind. Manage Wellness, not Disease!