Now in it's 21st year, cityFoundry has brought it's one-of-a kind, vintage, design experience to Brooklyn's newest shopping destination, Industry City. The new 4,000 square ft, cityFoundry gallery at 33 35th St, Brooklyn, NY opened it's doors in November 2019. Already a design destination housing Restoration Hardware, Design Within Reach, ABC Carpet and Porcelanosa plus various furniture and lighting houses, cityFoundry is the only custom, antique, vintage, purveyors to set up shop in the heart of the retail center in Industry City. The cityFoundry gallery at 369 Atlantic Ave will remain open as well continuing it's legacy in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.
Vintage 20th century design; industrial, mid century and Danish modern, modernism, machine-age, art deco furniture, lighting and artifacts. Sales and rentals. Custom designed industrial and mid century modern influenced line of furniture and lighting. Expert restoration, refinishing and upholstery.