Hit Song School started as one-on-one songwriting tutoring based on the song toolkit of five-million selling hit songwriter Wayne Cohen. It has a evolved into series of one-on-one and group song craft courses, via Skype, online video and at NYC studio Stand Up Sound.
Hit Song School provides aspiring and pro songwriters with their own customized hit melody, lyric and track writing toolkit, via Skype, online video and at NYC studio Stand Up Sound. Want to be the next Pharrell, Adele, Taylor, Katy, Ryan, or...? In order to break through you need hit pop songs. Hit songs are powerful, perfect 3-minute encapsulations of a particular emotional moment that connects with millions of people and propels the careers of their artists and songwriters forward. However, in order to write or identify a hit song, you need to understand the melody, lyric, track and structural song craft that differentiates a hit song from just a good song. Hit Song School is designed to nurture that quiet voice inside you that has a million song ideas but needs help crafting them. HSS provides you with your own customized songwriting toolkit in order to effectively speak your truth, weave your unique emotional stories into hit pop song gems, and network with aspiring songwriters and artists, in a highly supportive environment. So move your truth to the top of your to-do list, commit to your future, study at hitsongschool.com!